Adriaan van Natijne
Contact: .
I am currently employed as technical manager AHN/Beeldmateriaal at Het Waterschapshuis.
My PhD work at the Delft University of Technology was on the monitoring and prediction of geohazards by integrating and learning from spatio-temporal Remote Sensing. ready-made geodata with a focus on the Netherlands provides an overview of AHN (Actueel Hoogtebestand Nederland) products and derived coloured point clouds, …
… as well as a data cube of Sentinel-2 imagery for spatio-temporal analysis.

Other publicly available projects

My earlier work on the combination of 3D radar and LiDAR data.
Unofficial archive of arrival and departure times of Dutch trains (and the public transport in general) now open data!
(“Onofficieel archief reisinformatie Nederlands Openbaar Vervoer“)